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Build muscle and lose fat with this step-by-step daily plan.

Body recomposition is one of the biggest goals in the fitness world.

We all want to look better, which includes both losing fat and putting on muscle. After over a decade of research and experimentation, I’ve found a plan that works.

Join 10,000+ readers and get this guide delivered right to your inbox.

Gaining muscle and losing fat largely come down to doing the right things, consistently.

Fortunately, you don't need to spend decades of time and effort trying to figure out what those things are.

In this guide, you'll learn exactly what you need to do, morning, day, and night, to reach your body composition goals.

Stick to the process, and you’ll see results.

Build muscle and lose fat with this step-by-step daily plan.

Sign up today and receive a bonus 6 week cutting plan with your guide.

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